I first came across a “sonic” toothbrush when browsing for a replacement powered toothbrush in a Watsons store. They had the usual rotary type of powered toothbrush, which i had been using before. Out of the blue, they also carried an Arm and Hammer Sonic toothbrush. I had no idea what a “sonic” toothbrush does, but took a chance and bought it.
The first time i tried it, i found it preferable. The brushing feels more thorough than the rotary type toothbrush. The Wikipedia entry on electric toothbrush explains how a sonic toothbrush works. Unfortunately, i think this type of toothbrush is still not very common in Singapore. Watsons no longer stocks (they had it for less than a year) the Arm and Hammer Sonic toothbrush. It could be that it was not generating enough sales, or possibly because Oral B dominates the market and had more say on who gets to stay on the shelves. Oral B also makes sonic toothbrushes now (probably forced to respond to the competition).
Anyway, after using the battery powered Arm & Hammer Spinbrush Pro Clean Powered Toothbrush for a while, i decided to upgrade to the Arm & Hammer Spinbrush PRO Clean Sonic Rechargeable Toothbrush (requires the use of a step-down transformer though). At that time, this was one of the cheaper sonic toothbrushes available.
The other popular option was the Philips Sonicare range. Prices seem comparable now (but the replacement heads are still expensive). Having read the Wikipedia entry though, i think i will upgrade to ultrasonic toothbrushes in the near future. If you have not tried a sonic toothbrush, i recommend that you give it a go.
The other oral care product you might want to consider using is the Waterpik Waterflosser. As the name suggests, it flosses your teeth using water. It won’t replace a real floss, but certainly aids in flushing out food trapped between teeth, especially for the molars which are harder to reach with a floss.
Check out my review on the new sonic toothbrush i am using now.