Groceries must be one of the main categories of expenditure for any household. Many people should be aware that some credit cards offer a 5% rebate on supermarket transactions, but there is now a better deal if you do groceries shopping online on (Singapore only). They are one of the merchants on the cashback portal, offering a 10% rebate. If you make payment using a Bank of China Shop! card, you get another 5.5% rebate (awarded for all online payments). So that’s a whopping 15.5% discount on your groceries!
The only problem for me is having to spend $50 or more to get free delivery from Redmart, which is usually not achievable in my case, since my groceries purchase usually consists of fresh produce in small batches. What I resort to doing is to wait for to dangle the $10 discount that they offer to customers who hasn’t done a purchase from them for some time (it seems to be every 4 months). It’s easy to chalk up $50 of groceries spending when I get a 20% discount outright. If I were to calculate the combined discounts and cashback I get, I’m actually paying only $33.04 for $50.10 worth of groceries!
Disclaimer: this article expresses my personal opinion and i am not paid to represent any of the companies mentioned above (the same applies to all my articles).
Update: Shopback no longer offers rebates for I’m guessing that Redmart loses out more than it gains through the cashback advertising mechanism, so they pulled out.
Update 9/10/2015: Redmart is back on Shopback
Update 14/11/2015: Now even Fairprice Online is on Shopback, though it is practically useless, offering only cashback only for S$150 and above spend. Buying through Honestbee might be a better idea since you get 9% cashback on Shopback (not anymore).