Note: this post is from 2016. Please read my updated posting about Taobao shipping.
To a newbie, i think Taobao shipping options is too hard to comprehend. To simplify things, Taobao has come up with Taobao Global Direct Shipping, which probably works well for newbies. In this posting, i discuss the pros and cons of each method of shipping based on what i’ve learned through experience.
Taobao Global Direct Shipping
This is the default choice and the one Taobao tries to recommend you take up. No further action is required to arrange for the delivery of goods beyond the point of sale.
Pros – payment for shipping is made at the same time when doing check out, which relieves customers from having to monitor and consolidate the shipment.
Cons – the local courier company handling the delivery in Singapore is DPEX, with which i have had a bad experience. Sensitive items such as battery, cosmetics and food are not allowed. This option is most probably more expensive than the rest.
When to choose Taobao Global Direct Shipping – for newbies.
Global Consolidate And Shipping
This means the goods will be delivered to a warehouse in China, and you will have to monitor the arrival of your goods at the warehouse (which is very easy anyway) and initiate the delivery to Singapore.
Pros – Shipping is calculated based on actual weight (there may be exceptions though, and nobody knows for sure. Update: Parcels are measured in 0.1kg increments). There are 4 choices of courier companies One can choose between delivery or self collection from POPstation lockers. No GST if value of goods is under S$400. Gives you the flexibility to group and send your parcels in more than one shipment, which may be necessary sometimes to avoid paying GST (import duty).
Cons – There are limitations to the weight and dimension of shipped items. Sensitive items such as battery, cosmetics and food are not allowed.
When to choose Global Consolidate And Shipping – when you’re confident that you can save money on shipping, which is the case for light but bulky items. If your preference is for delivery, or collection at POPstation. In comparison to sea freight, Global Consolidate And Shipping could end up cheaper, even for heavy or bulky items, because you need not pay GST.
Third party shipping
This is similar to Gloabal Consolidate and Shipping, whereby you ship your goods to a China warehouse, and thereafter, initiate the shipping to Singapore. The difference is, you are using a third party forwarder company instead of one of the four designated partners on Taobao. Example of a third party forwarder: ezbuy 86of.
Pros – shipping via sea freight can be a lot cheaper. Sensitive items, such those containing a battery, can be shipped (at higher shipping rate). Other than items banned from import, it is possible to ship just about anything. Shipping rate could be more favourable, and the delivery speed could be faster than Taobao Consolidate and Shipping.
Cons – shipping cost is calculated based on volumetric weight, which will incur a much higher cost (vs actual weight) for light but bulky items.
When to choose third party shipping – to ship heavy/bulky items via sea freight, to ship sensitive items and to ship items that exceed the dimensions or weight limitation imposed for Taobao Consolidate and Shipping. Home delivery is possible with third party shipping also, but opting for home delivery may result in the overall cost being more than Taobao’s Global Consolidate and Shipping.
I have never used Taobao Global Direct Shipping before, but in my most recent Taobao order, i made it a point to take note of whether it is actually more worthwhile. I was postulating that it would be more expensive, since the shipping cost is purely based on estimation, and in order not to lose out, i presumed they will have to quote higher. Turns out that i was wrong. The shipping cost quoted for Taobao Global Direct Shipping was 105 Yuan, whereas the final cost quoted for Global Consolidate And Shipping was 160 Yuan. Update 23 Jun 2016: this is more an exception than the rule. For all my subsequent shipments, the shipping cost quoted for Taobao Global Direct Shipping was significantly more than what it costs to ship via third party forwarder. I guess Global Direct is really for those people who are lazy to have to do follow up actions on their purchases.

Only 105 Yuan was quoted for the shipping via Taobao Global Direct Shipping

160 Yuan for shipping via Global Consolidate and Shipping. I think the 55 Yuan difference was due to one item having an actual weight much higher than its estimated weight.
Update 19 Jan 2020
This post has been around for a long time by now and the info is a little outdated. I would have to say now that Taobao shipping sucks. Expect to wait two weeks or more for your delivery – this is comparable to sea shipping duration. Nowadays i just stick to Ezbuy. Fast, reliable and kept informed of every change in status. Reasonably priced too.
I’m starting to suspect that third party forwarders like ezbuy or sgshop are comparable to taobao consolidate shipping these days. $1.90 for air shipping (0.5kg and no first kilo surcharge) whereas taobao rates are ¥35-45 for first kilo and ¥11 for subsequent 0.5kg).
Do you have any insights pertaining that?
Yes, indeed the third party ones are very attractive now. They are especially good for shipping just a few items because they charge a flat fee (whereas taobao consolidate has the first kilo surcharge as you correctly pointed out). However, don’t forget that third party use volumetric weight (which, at the point of calculating total, they will add another 10%!), whereas Taobao goes by actual weight, so each has its own merit.
My strategy now is, for very light but bulky items (for example a yoga mat, or clothing in general), i ship via Taobao consolidate (and like what i discovered and shared in my posting above, Taobao direct is more worthwhile). For everything else, i go by third party. For third party, if it is very low cost but bulky items, use sea freight. If it is high cost, but not high enough to attract GST, use economy air.
this is the best and most unbiased comparison i read so far, easy to understand. Many thanks
Thank you!
I want to buy from 3 different sellers. When I am about to check out, there are 3 options, namely, Taobao Global Direct Shipping, Global Consolidated and Third Party Shipping. Questions: 1. Can I use Global Direct Shipping even though I am buying from 3 different sellers? 2. Which is the cheapest option? Thank you.
Hi hasacott, yes you can use global direct shipping regardless of the sellers you’re buying from. You will be quoted the shipping to Singapore individually for each of the item you’re buying, so you will not be able to enjoy the benefit of savings from consolidating the 3 items, I think.
The cost of shipping depends on the size and weight of the items. Assuming you are shipping via air freight (there is also the choice of ocean freight for really bulky items), the general rule is that if you are shipping bulky items, global consolidated shipping is cheaper (you have to further choose from the 4 courier combinations available), whereas ezbuy (third party) could be cheaper for shipping non-bulky items.
Hello, thanks for your helpful post. I’d like to ask, if i want to buy this item by air, – (it contains “充电宝”) which shipping provider would be willing to ship it? I am worried it is considered as sensitive item.
Hi Rene, anything that contains a battery has to be shipped as a sensitive item. If you are shipping only a few other items and this is the only sensitive item, then you should ship this one separately under sensitive, since the sensitive shipping fee costs a lot more (S$4.99 per 0.5 kg via ezbuy). Otherwise, if you happen to be buying a lot of bulky stuff, you should ship via ocean freight, and would allow you to ship the sensitive item at their normal shipping rate. Or at least they say they will close one eye if you happen to be shipping a few items through them. I actually tried so I know it’s true.
Thank you so much for this most helpful post. Just one question: I saw that you managed to get an estimate for Global Consolidate and Shipping. May I ask if you got that estimate after checkout, or if you could get that before checkout and do a comparison with Taobao Global Direct Shipping?
Hi CeeJayHage, there’s no way you can get an estimate for Global Consolidate and Shipping. What I’ve shown in the post was the actual shipping rate. I guess you have to rely on intuition to decide how you want to ship, but you can assume Global Direct will be more expensive most of the time.
Hi, i recently bought a few items from a single seller and i chose Consolidated Shipping. The issue is that when I try to make payment for shipment to Singapore (the items have reached the consolidation warehouse), the system keep showing error message (unable to create the bills, in chinese). In the end it only worked when i changed the delivery option to delivery to my place instead of POPStation. This really cause problem for me as nobody will be at home during the day.
I didn’t face such problem when i bought from different sellers last time. I suspect the error is probably due to the fact that since there is only a single seller they can’t “consolidate” the bill, which is kind of strange to me. Any advice on this?
Hi Jackson, unfortunately I have no idea what the problem might be. I doubt buying from single seller gives rise to the problem. I hope you’ll get your parcels!
Hi Yenkai, thanks for your reply. Yes i will still get the parcel no matter wat, just that instead of self-collection i got to wait for the delivery at home, how inconvenient!
The error was probably due the parcel exceeding the max dimensions that a popstation mailbox could accommodate. Was it a bulky one?
Hi Taobao experts,
I would like to ship in a swing chair which is both bulky and heavy. May i know if anyone here has any experience on which is the cheapest media?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Claire, a swing chair is basically a piece of furniture, and I think there’s only one sensible way to ship it – sea freight. See my review on the sea freight service I use.
Hi Yen Kai
I’m looking to buy flash cards from Taobao ( and the weight is 4.95kg. Would it be cheaper to buy from Taobao direct or from ezybuy? I’m looking to buy from the same seller on Taobao. If using ezybuy, what do you think about its prime membership, would that be cheaper or using the ship for me option? I intend to buy lots of flash cards from Taobao. Many thanks for your help.
Hi Joyce, are the flash cards actually available from ezbuy? I really doubt flash cards can be found through ezbuy, and if that’s the case, it’s better to buy all the flash cards you wanted at one go and ship via sea freight.
How to ask the seller for dimension and weight of package? Im looking to get furniture of dimension 1.9m x 0.7 x 0.15m and 26kg weight on product detail page. Which shipping method do you advise? Taobao direct quote like rmb130 but I think theres some t&c if the final ship price is 5x more than quoted price, need to top up.
Hi Yen, I doubt you can ship the item via Taobao direct as it exceeds both the weight and the size limits (see “weight and size limit” For something of this size and weight, you should ship via sea freight.
Hi, thanks for your help. Didnt know theres limits for globl direct. So even if one is able to select global direct and estimated quote is given doesnt mean it will be processed eventually?!
In case I have bought the item with global direct, order will be cancelled due to size exceeding limit?
For the above item, how much will it be to ship with 86of? In case shipping cost is too costly, can we return item back to seller?
Hi Yen, I don’t know what happens if you went ahead with the order. Best case is they cancel the order before the domestic shipping happens.
Assuming the packaging doesn’t add a lot of bulk, the volumetric weight will be slightly over 0.2 CBM which equates to around S$30 for shipping with 86of, plus GST. As for returning item to seller, probably have to negotiate with seller first. I’m not sure but likely 86of is able to assist in returning item to seller, maybe for a fee.
Hi, thanks for your reply. If just getting clothes, a few shoes and small misc stuff, how much can 0.1cbm fill? Will there be indication of consolidated packages sizes? Or one have to get each order parcel size from sellers to calculate? TIA
Hi Yen, the guideline given is 0.02 CBM is about the size of a rice cooker. From your description of the items you are buying (relatively small items), and assuming you are buying each item from a different seller, each of those small parcels will be counted as 0.01 CBM, so you can buy from a maximum of 10 different sellers.
If your parcels are large (more than 0.03 CBM), the size (length width and height) will be indicated. Otherwise, it will just be noted as 0.01 CBM.
I would advise that you need not be worried about the size of each parcel. If the consolidated size is more than 0.1 CBM, you will be charged proportionately, so you won’t lose out in any way.
Helo . Where can I choose for third party shipping? Taobao website only provides 2 types of shipping. Global Consolidated Shipping and Taobao Global Direct Shipping Only . Can u help me ?
Hi Mayvelyn, to ship via third party means you need to sign up with a third party forwarder first (e.g. ezbuy, 86of) and input the warehouse address assigned to you as your shipping address in Taobao. You will not see any third party “option” in Taobao website.
But the items sold on the ezbuy website are more expensive than taobao. That’s why I want to direct it from taobao. Can not use sea shipping? Taobao does not give the sea shipping?
Hi Mayvelyn, ezbuy offers a few types of services, and one of them is ship-for-me, whereby you have to directly buy the item from Taobao and ship it to ezbuy’s China warehouse. Ezbuy only helps you ship the item to Singapore.
If you want sea shipping, then I suggest 86of because they’re cheaper than ezbuy. The learning curve is steep though. Taobao does not offer sea shipping at all.
How to use 86of? What is this 86of? Web to order like ezbuy? I do not know how to use 86of. Can you teach me how?
Hi Mayvelyn, I think it will be impossible for me to teach you how to ship via 86of, not by answering questions posted here at least. I have written three blog posts about my experience using 86of and I’m sure they will be helpful to you. If you are daring enough, you can learn by trying.
Have a look at, the website for the Ang Mo Kio self collection point (they also have self collection points at Kovan, Tampines, Woodlands and Clementi). It is entirely in Chinese, and that may be an obstacle in itself. Moreover, their website is very poorly organized, unlike Ezbuy’s.
86of also send items to malaysia?
Unfortunately no. You will have to find a sea freight forwarder for Malaysia. Google search result example: This is not an endorsement.
What is 86of ? For shopping or they just help for sea shipping ?
86of only handles the shipping.
They can sent to sabah malaysia ? This blog for what ? It also cheaper ?
I already ask the blog but it’s very expensize ohh . Do you know other shipping shipping to malaysia ?
For East Malaysia, it will be expensive. You asked for sea freight, and according to, “First 0.5CBM: 550RMB”, it is more than double the cost of shipping to West Malaysia, but you can ship a lot of things with 0.5 CBM. I think other sea freight shipping provider won’t be very far off from this price. Best to consolidate together orders with friends and everyone share the cost. This is the cheapest option.
Hi, Yen Kai,
I thought I got the calculation of 0.01CBM by 86of clear when i read about it in your other blog. Now I’m a bit confused again 🙁
Do you mind to clarify this scenario?
If I make a purchase from three different sellers and the parcels are 0.003CBM, 0.002CBM and 0.004CBM, total CBM of the three parcels is 0.009, will I be charged as 0.01CBM (minimum CBM by 86of) or 0.03CBM?
Each parcel in this case is below 0.01CBM, so do they charge a minimum of 0.01CBM for each parcel or they combine?
Hi Joyce,
I think I may be able to share some info with you as I have ordered before from 860f.
The idea of the sea shipping is that they are able to ship from minimum 0.1 CBM (e.g. minimum $13 shipping fee excluding GST of total products cost)
Each parcel, even if less than 0.01CBM (e.g. 0.003CBM) will be measured as 0.01CBM =$1.30
So your 3 individual parcels, each less than 0.01 CBM, from 3 different sellers, will be individually measured as 0.01CBM each. This means $1.30 + $1.30 + $1.30 = $3.90 (excluding GST)
In your case, you now only have 0.03CBM, still need another 0.07CBM, so you probably would need to order a few more products to “combine” and reach 0.1 CBM (not sure if you could ship if below 0.1CBM, probably gotta pay extra $ which is not worth it.)
Perhaps you can consider order a new bag for yourself, or maybe clothings…or non-stick frying pan, pretty useful and practical stuff…can easily reach the 0.1CBM requirement this way…
Neverthless, do wait for yenkai to reply you as he is more familiar with this…hope it helps =)
Thank you so much Meow for your detailed and clear explanation even though i just realised i have got some of the numbers wrong in my question. I got it now, it definitely helps thanks! : )
Hi, will the 1111 discount codes and stuff on taobao still be valid if I used ezbuy to buy? 🙂
Hi Wutyee, i’m guessing you mean using the ezbuy buy-for-me service? I have never used buy-for-me before so i’m unsure of how they process your request. Whether or not they will actually effect the buying request on 11.11 itself is the deciding factor. By right, they should only make you pay for the final price quoted by Taobao. But i wonder if they can have enough staff to handle the buying on 11.11? Sorry, can’t give you an answer, and maybe you can check with ezbuy.
Hi, am I able to use Lazada’s sea shipping in taobao to ship a XiaoMi Smart weighing scale? Afraid that it’s labeled as sensitive good cause its an electrical appliance technically.
Hi Ying Ru, sorry i can’t give you a definite answer. My understanding is that if it does not contain battery, it is not considered sensitive. My guess is that it should be fine. By the way, it’s going for 99 Yuan on 11.11
Hi. There is a washbasin that I am eyeing at ezbuy. Upon check out, realize it is categorized as sensitive good, sensitive air & sensitive sea option. If I buy direct from taobao instead, which forwarder will you recommend? Ezbuy ship-for-me? Global Consolidated Shipping / Taobao Global Direct Shipping? Will the item still considered sensitive item? btw, I intend to ask the seller to crate the basin….
Hi Winnie, I ship via 86of (sea freight), I believe they’re the cheapest. 86of doesn’t really care if it’s sensitive item unless you ship lots of similar items. I’m actually not sure how ezbuy or Taobao consolidated shipping would classify a wash basin, can’t really find a definitive list of sensitive items.
I shipped 3 wash basins, only one of them came in a wooden crate, but it was this wash basin that was chipped on the side. Crating doesn’t really help protect the wash basin, it’s actually foam that will help. The other two wash basins came packed in really thick foam, and they were delivered in perfect condition. The wash basin has to be packed in such a way that they will not move at all within the box, and they will be fine.
Hi Yen Kai,
I have ordered 8 items from various sellers on taobao and opted for global consolidated shipping. To my horror, I received messages that shipping insurance (运费险) has been successfully submitted and there will be an insurance fee on every single item that was shipped out by seller to warehouse. I don’t remember selecting any insurance options as my items are mostly low-cost, non-fragile clothings and shoes. Neither did I have to pay for insurance in my previous order of 3 items.
Not sure if my limited understanding of chinese is correct. Appreciate if you can advise. I wanted to remove the insurance since these are just small items but the “customer service” don’t seem very useful.
Hi Evanne. Not sure how insurance was selected for your order, usually the checkbox is unchecked by default. Sometimes the insurance is thrown in for free, though it’s usually not. My impression is that the insurance doesn’t cost much anyway (maybe just a few Yuan?), so i suggest just let it be.
Thanks, Yen Kai.
I read the policy details after that and I think it’s the seller paying for the insurance in case of returns, etc. =D. My bad. Misunderstood the messages. Compensation for shipping would be 8 to 9 Yuan
Hi Yen Kai,
I bought a kitchen accessory( 162元) but the shipping is more than twice (359元) the item.
The seller never mentioned the weight of the item. and it was my mistake not to check it.
How can I request for refund? I’ll pay the domestic fee return.
Thank you for your help.
Hi Soon Hoe. I believe it is possible to request for the courier company to re-dispatch the parcel. I’ve not done it before. I think there’s only one way you can contact the customer service anyway, via the online chat.
I do have another suggestion: instead of sending the item back to the seller, why not try shipping the item via sea freight. You can try 86of (i.e. register an account and send your parcel to your designated warehouse address), and they can help you pay for the domestic courier fee, as long as you have topped up your account with funds. This is called 到付,whereby the sender just sends the parcel without having to pay, which makes it a lot easier for the sender. You can find out more about 86of’s shipping fee and handling of 到付 here. I’m pretty sure your parcel is under 0.1 CBM, which will cost you $13 plus $2.50 GST to ship, and maybe you can ship other stuff together also within the 0.1 CBM allowance.
Any forwarder or agent reccommendation for sending a mattress 140x70x6, 6.5kg costed RMB300?
Hi Leung, I can only recommend the only sea freight service I have used recently, 86of. Going by the dimensions you have given, the volumetric weight is 0.06 CBM, so the shipping cost is only $13 plus $4.50 for GST.
Hi Taobao expert,
I will like to buy electric scooter from Taobao to Singapore and understand this will classify under sensitive item. Any recommendation of good forwarder who can help me. Thanks.
Hi Jie Ling, thanks for the compliment. An electric scooter is probably quite bulky, and sea freight is probably the best way to ship it. I use 86of for sea freight. You do have to pay GST when you ship via sea freight, but i think you save even more on the shipping cost. I would guesstimate that the shipping fee will be less than S$26 (0.2 CBM).
Hi Yen,
I have mistakenly paid to lazada forwarder item by item. Hence, I would assume the items will reach me “one by one”. My question is, upon deliver to me, will lazada provide me with options to whether I can collect from POP offices? I just want to prevent the delivery man from knocking at my door every other day. I have altogether 9 parcels, from very small to a shoe box size. Thanks for your help.
Hi Ctien, if you did nothing at all, i think there is still a good chance that the items will come to you at one go, or maybe in 2 or 3 batches. It should be possible for you to call Lazada to get them to deliver at one go. I have not used Lazada before, but i was able to call Ninja Van regarding my delivery, and i presume Lazada should offer the same level of customer service. Definitely give them a call once you notice your parcels start arriving in SG.
Hi Yen Kai,
I’ve this delivery option from a seller. Does this seller offer free international shipping?
江苏连云港 至 海外 快递 免运费 16小时内发货
Hi Spiman, that’s interesting, I’ve not seen this on Taobao before. And I think it does mean the seller will ship to Singapore. I’ve only experienced seller shipping to Singapore when buying from Aliexpress and dhgate.
Hi, i’m from Australia and has been tried to use the global consolidate & shipping service. However whenever I tried to place an order, there is no “Taobao Cargo” option for me to select, all I see that is “ship to my current Aus address” option and the “contact seller for shipping” option. Please tell me what to do 🙁
I suppose i should say G’day? The “ship to my current Aus address” is the global consolidate & shipping.
Hi, I need a graduation gown set (can be quite heavy) from Taobao but wonder if I should use any of the official Taobao forwarder — also hard pressed for time. Any recommendations? Or should I get other services like eTrove etc? Since I’m getting only one item, there’s likely to be not much difference in shipping costs. I need it fast. Kindly advice. Thanks!
Hi Bluejeans, I would suggest going by official Taobao forwarder since it is easier, especially if you’re doing forwarding for the first time. Like you say, the cost probably won’t differ much.
Hi , I have used the Mobile Taobao to purchase items from 4 different suppliers.
The status of my items are now “运输中”。what does it mean? Do I need to do anything in order for my items be delivered to me? Thks
Hi Jenny, did you choose Taobao Direct shipping? My guess is you don’t know, and most likely it was Taobao Direct. If so, you don’t have to do anything.
Hi Yenkai,
Thanks for your reply.
hi yenkai, have u ordereed anything from taobao and 86of?
I suspect 86of and its guangzhou warehouse new address is experiencing a “banned” situation similar to ezbuy.
I tried to make payment via zhifubao at Taobao, but the transaction cannot go through with a page in Chinese saying “current bank or organization is unable to make payment” something along this line.
sigh, not sure what to do. waiting for 86of for their reply…i honestly doubt is my credit card problem, have been using it all along even recently for other non-taobao online payment.
Hi Meow, my recent Taobao purchases were brought here from China by friends, so I haven’t engaged 86of for some time. Sad to hear that the same problem as ezbuy is happening. Hope they can resolve it soon.
Hi yenkai,
I got a reply from Taobao facebook private chat informing me the system problem has been resolved.
I tried using my credit card and this time, it works….so happy, so it’s not another EZbuy scenario. But I did include the China warehouse address for them, and also mentioned that it belongs to a typical China forwarding/shipping company that does not do any “daigou” or buy for you services.
In any case, very happy it is resolved by Taobao. You are very lucky got China friends assist you buy from Taobao…. =D
Hi Meow, I’m really impressed by how you go about inquiring with Taobao concerning the issue. Facebook private chat, wow. Chinese service support got from non-existent to amazing. Good to hear that everything is well and good. Good to hear from you Meow.
Just for information
Taobao had a GSS recently and offered 200 rmb off (if your consolidated amount is more than 200 rmb) for sea shipping if you use DEX as a third party. So i go on and order shit load of heavy bulky item in order to hit the requirement of 200 rmb(around 20 kg worth of goods). I was okay if it was a little over 200 rmb, maybe say 300 rmb where i can just top up 100 rmb. I wasn’t aware then that they would use volumetric as calculation. When i was about to consolidate and make payment, i was so shocked by the figures. presented. The actual weight of the item was only 18kg and the volumetric weight they gave and used was 34kg! HOLY SHIT! It was a total of 460 so I ended up paying 260rmb(460rmb – 200) around S$50 to ship it to my house in Singapore.
PS I have not read this article prior to shipping sea with DEX
Thanks for sharing, Jerry. At least the rmb 200 discount was real and helped offset the shipping cost quite a bit.