I came across this product purely by chance (on Qoo10 in fact), and bought it purely for fun. At present, it cost only 46 Yuan (S$9.50), so it is quite an affordable toy. I had the idea of illuminating the underside of my bar counter table, like it’s commonly done these days at bars and cafes.
The advantage of this particular product is, it can run on battery, so there need not be any unsightly cable running around. Of course, the cabled version is also available. The downside is, it’s not as bright as i wished it were (see photo above). Nevertheless, it does provide light to the area below the bar counter table which would have otherwise been very dark. The motion sensing light-up adds a nice fun factor to it.
It is actually promoted for installation under the bed frame and inside closets, and that makes a lot of sense – light where you most need it, when you need it. For very little money, you get a nice smart-home upgrade.

Comes in a compact package

It doesn’t stick so well unfortunately. I had to supplement with transparent tape.