As with the Airfryer, this was a product that took a bit of deliberation before a decision was made to buy. Not that it is expensive, but I wouldn’t buy something I don’t need just because it’s cheap. And it is actually quite cheap for what it is, setting me back by 118 Yuan (S$24). This was the cheapest price i found on Taobao, from this seller. I also bought pouches for vacuum sealing from the same seller.
I bought a vacuum food sealer solely for doing Sous Vide. Previously, i thought I could get away with using Ziploc type bags, but after experiencing broken bags twice, I decided i had enough. The Ziploc type bags isn’t able to withstand high heat (70°C) over a long cooking time, which applies when i do duck confit.
The product is incredibly light, and feels rather flimsy. The printed logo/wordings were faint, not that it mattered. I was lazy, as usual, to read the manual, but eventually had to read the manual to figure out how it worked. To start the vacuum operation, you had to depress the indicator light, which is actually a button. Not very intuitive.
Anyway, i was trying to vacuum seal duck legs intended for making duck confit, and before the vacuum operation was completed, the juices in the bag was getting sucked out! Major panic! The vacuum operation can be stopped at any point by pressing the same button again, and i resorted to doing this. This meant that the bag still contained air pockets, which didn’t really matter to me, as i simply wanted to ensure that the bag was sealed up properly. Pressing and holding the “seal” button (green button) for 3 seconds triggers the sealing. I double sealed just in case.
After 12 hours of cooking at 75°C, i took out the bag of duck legs, and it was fully intact! I can finally put the broken bag nightmare behind me.
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