Sigh. Buy a new one. Sad to say, i lost my phone barely just two must months after losing my laptop, though this time not due to my own fault. I think the greater loss in these incidences is the weakness of the persons who picked up the laptop or phone who decided to keep it for themselves rather than return them to their owner.
You could say i was complacent and have not learnt my lesson. I did not install anti-theft software on my phone even after realizing the importance of doing so on a laptop. When installed on a phone, it is actually possible to track down the phone since it comes with cell/wifi/gps that provides the location of the phone, as well as a front facing camera that could snatch a photo of the person who took it.
Anyway, thankfully the pain associated with losing a phone isn’t as great as compared to losing a laptop, since most of the important data on the phone is already backed up to the “cloud” – my contacts, calendar and notes. Also, the phone has been in use for over one and a half years, so you could say it is already well utilized. To be honest, the phone no longer merits my love with its somewhat sluggish performance, and there is no hope of getting any performance boost with another round of firmware upgrade from Gingerbread to Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS).
My new phone is likely to be an Android phone running ICS, which is non-existent at the moment. Hopefully, by the time my contract is up for renewal (four months from now), there will be a few models available in the market to choose from. In the meantime, i’m resigned to using my mother-in-law’s Nokia 500 phone, which does a fine job in offering mail (comes with a new email arrival notification widget!) and web browsing functionalities, though the on-screen keyboard is rather crappy and difficult to use. A nice reminder of how far we have come along!