For whatever reason, if you need to be able to quickly reference your Openbravo POS customer contact information, you will find it useful to export it to your phone contacts. Under normal circumstances, your Openbravo POS should serve as your single data-entry point, and there is no need to duplicate the effort.
Ok, it’s not quite a one-click
beaming, but almost. Here are the pre-requisites or assumptions for the solution presented here:
- Android phone
- Openbravo POS running against MySQL with openbravopos as the username and password (simple code change involved if your configuration is different)
On your Android phone, you need to have SwiFTP (quick tip: setup the “Stay within folder” as “/mnt/sdcard”) and vCardIO installed. Start SwiFTP and run the BeamContacts program (on the same machine as your Openbravo POS installation). Enter the IP address of your phone, which is conveniently shown in SwiFTP, then click Beam. We’re not done yet – launch vCardIO and click Import and that’s it! Tip: you should set up a new group in your Google contacts specifically for the contacts you will be importing, which you will also need to configure in vCardIO as the “Selected Groups”. This will make it easier for you to manage the contacts.
I hereby give you.. the BeamContacts program and the source code, enjoy.
- BeamContacts program
- BeamContacts source (Netbeans project. Dependencies are included in the program zip)