Scones is something I’ve been doing from the very early days when I started baking. I love scones, and though supposedly easy (ready in 30 minutes), making them turned out to be not quite easy. For one, the hot weather in Singapore makes butter melt too quickly, and having success with scones is always said to hinge on very cold butter.
Well, after failing umpteen times, i’ve learned a few tricks on how to make them. To counter the hot weather in Singapore, i mix all the dry ingredients the day before baking, put them in a plastic bag and store this in the fridge. This buys me time when making the final dough so that the butter doesn’t melt before baking. Flour is tasteless, so tasty scones is about coating as much of the flour with butter as possible (or the other way round). Storing the ingredients in a plastic bag allows me to press the flour and butter together without getting my hand dirty. Also, it allows me to quickly place it back into the fridge the moment i start to worry about the butter melting. As for the rest of the steps, this recipe which i have been using for some time nails it. Using lots of cream (thickened/heavy cream and sour cream) ensures the scones will remain moist.
By the way, i get my baking powder from iHerb.

With marmalade and butter. Clotted cream is practically impossible to get in Singapore.