1. Jenny

    You can get a Hisense 55 or 65″ for less than $800. Better resolution. I got a 55″ for my son to play his games, it’s not bad. Are you still using 860F for sea shipping? They are charging 1cmb now? Are they still worth patronising?

    • yenkai

      Hi Jenny, $800 is way more than I’m willing to pay. Believe it or not we don’t watch TV at all, so the projector is really for occasional entertainment, and it can be stashed away when not in use, unlike a TV.

      Yes, still using 86of. They charge from a minimum of 0.1 CBM. Still happy with their service offering. Are you using some other sea freight service instead?

      • Jenny

        No… Thanks to your blog on 86of i made my 1st sea purchase for a single sofa using 86of a few months back. I have been using Taobao 4px for air shipment the past few years. Your blog had helped me greatly.

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