Slumberland Spain
The photo above shows the opening hours of a supermarket in Barcelona. It reads: Monday to Thursday 9:00 – 13:45 17:00 – 20:00, Friday 9:00 – 20:30, Saturday 9:00 – 14:00 17:00 – 20:30. As you can see, the siesta culture is very much alive in Spain. Even if the supermarket stayed open throughout the afternoon, they would probably see no customer.
Safety Tips for Europe
As mentioned in my previous posting, i had the misfortune of a second encounter with pick-pocketing, in Barcelona. However, “thanks” to the previous encounter, i learnt how not to fall prey this time.
The Alhambra
The Alhambra was one of the main highlights of my trip and it was so awesome that i had to dedicate an entry to it. It consists of palaces and gardens, perched on two hills, so magnificently put together that it is visually stunning from any angle. It was granted the well-deserved UNESCO World Heritage Site recognition way back in 1984.
Don’t go to Madrid
Not unexpectedly, I’m back from my Grand Tour of Europe and i haven’t had time to blog during the trip, so it looks like i will have to do so retrospectively. Anyway, thanks for tuning in!
Grand Tour of Europe
Yup, that’s the itinerary of my upcoming grand tour of Europe, lasting one month starting from 12 May. During this time, i won’t be able to update the daily SOR page daily, apologies for that. I’ll be posting about anything interesting i come across during the trip, so stay tuned.
By the way, check out travellerspoint if you’re interested in plotting your own itinerary map.