Tag: Amazon

  • Sourcing for coffee beans

    Sourcing for coffee beans

    Some time back i wrote about buying coffee beans on Amazon. Well, if you did a little more homework, you would have realized that, unless you’re buying coffee beans sold by Amazon themselves, buying on Amazon might mean paying a premium over the seller’s actual pricing to cover the transaction fee Amazon charges the seller. Some of the…

  • Amazon product recommendation – Christmas gifts for under ten bucks

    Taobao is good for buying generic gifts for kids in bulk, but what if you wanted to buy Christmas gifts for the special few – nieces, nephews, or even your own kids? Amazon is your choice for “premium” Christmas gifts. You can find novel gifts at very reasonable prices. Here are some under-ten-bucks gift ideas (all eligible…

  • Amazon product recommendation – barista tools and coffee beans

    Amazon product recommendation – barista tools and coffee beans

    My coffee adventure started with the purchase of a Krups espresso machine, which became the subject of some of my first few blog entries. The purchase of the espresso machine was triggered by the gift of a pack of coffee powder from Ipoh. You must be wondering how a pack of coffee powder from Ipoh…

  • Amazon product recommendation – breast pump

    Amazon product recommendation – breast pump

    If you care about your child’s immune system, you will breastfeed your child for at least a year. From experience (contrasting my first and second child who received 7 months and 14 months of breast milk respectively), i can testify that breast milk does wonders to the child’s immunity to flu and viral infection. A breast pump makes breastfeeding much…

  • Amazon product recommendation – Mason jar food sealer

    Amazon product recommendation – Mason jar food sealer

    Ball Mason Jars are canning jars, intended for home canning of food. To do that, the traditional method was to heat the jar and allowing it to cool. Due to steam escaping from the jar, a vacuum is created when it cools down and this keeps the lid tightly sealed over the jar. The removal of air and thus oxygen…

  • Amazon product recommendation – sonic toothbrush

    Amazon product recommendation – sonic toothbrush

    I first came across a “sonic” toothbrush when browsing for a replacement powered toothbrush in a Watsons store. They had the usual rotary type of powered toothbrush, which i had been using before. Out of the blue, they also carried an Arm and Hammer Sonic toothbrush. I had no idea what a “sonic” toothbrush does, but took…

  • Amazon product recommendation – automotive parts

    I suspect not many people know this – you can actually buy automotive parts on Amazon. Many of these parts are eligible for the free AmazonGlobal Saver Shipping. The prices are ridiculously lower. It’s a no-brainer, buy from Amazon! At the very least, you can buy air filters which you can easily change yourself (just search Youtube…

  • How to get Free AmazonGlobal Saver Shipping

    How to get Free AmazonGlobal Saver Shipping

    The “Free AmazonGlobal Saver Shipping” deal allows you to ship your Amazon order to Singapore for free if you buy US$125 worth of products sold by Amazon.com that are eligible for the AmazonGlobal Program. How exactly do you know upfront (without going to the check-out page to see the shipping cost) if you will get free shipping…